CHAPTER-1:1:3 (NEW IMMIGRANTS)-DAY-3      

Eli and Ami Jankowsky were both starting to get up as the sun was rising in Gibsons on that third summer morning.They were both going to have to shower and eat breakfast before heading out to their Garden House locations to harvest from the gardens to sell produce to the grocery stores.
    They both wanted to have at least 10000$ so they could afford to buy two laptops instead of one desktop which would need  a desk to place it and it would be their only computer.
    Eli went to the Mountain Road Garden House while Ami went to the town center one to work on the produce harvesting.She was working very hard and kept it up for most of the day.Eli kept having to stop to use the washroom and to eat and it took the whole day right up into the early evening to get the gardening finished.She knew the cause of the issue was the low gardening skill and the solutions was to study and build up the skill until the level was higher.
   Ami was having similar issues himself at the town center Garden House where he couldn't get the gardening done fast enough.He also kept having to stop to eat and shower and wasn't done until early in the evening.He got his produce sold and had to get ready to head back up to their home after selling the produce and earning cash for it.He would have to get showered and eat dinner before leaving the town center Garden House to head back home.
   Ami was home and got himself into bed by 7:30 and Eli was still on her way home at that time to get herself settled down so she could be in bed by 8PM.They were both grateful to have a real house though the house was very small and would need to be expanded to allow them to start a family.The size of the lot made up for the small size of the house they got.


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