CHAPTER-1:1:2 (NEW IMMIGRANTS-DAY-2   

     Eli and Ami Jankowsky were both up early that morning and Eli was already at the nearby Garden House getting produce harvested from the garden to be sold to the grocery store later.Ami was still at home eating breakfast and getting ready to leave for the town center Garden House to get some produce harvested there before it got too late in the day.
    They were working very hard to try to earn enough money to buy themselves new laptop computers instead of buying a desktop which would take up valuable space in their tiny house.The laptops also allowed them to play chess on the computers unlike the desktops.
    Ami got down to the town center Garden House a little later than he wanted to be arriving and got to work a bit late.It was going to be very slow work to get the gardens harvested with the limited gardening skill they both had at the time.The only way to make the gardening go faster was to study the skill and get it higher before they got into gardening again.
    Eli and Ami were both aware they they'd never have been able to get higher skill levels in anything before they immigrated because there were no opportunities to study in the old country when they had to work for nearly every waking hour just to not end up starving to death.
     Eli and Ami were both still working away in the gardens trying to get enough harvested to have the money for the laptop computers and it was very slow work with the gardening skill level being too low.It was beginning to get dark and they were still nowhere near finished the gardens.
    Ami was also in the same situation at the town center Garden House with his garden because his gardening skill was too low and they couldn't work fast enough with the low gardening skill level they had.It was nearly 7PM and Eli was still working in the garden and struggling to get done and would soon have to quit to sell what she got.
     It continued getting dark outside while Eli and Ami were both busy using the washrooms and eating dinners at the Garden House locations each was visiting before they'd head to the stores to sell the produce they already had.
    They wouldn't be getting home until at least 8:30 or even later because they couldn't get the work done fast enough.Eli remembered this being how things were back home except that it was just for them to be able to buy the computers instead of it being just to get enough food to eat.They were working very hard because they needed to have computers and wanted them to be laptops.
    Ami managed to get home by 9PM and was already in bed when Eli finally ran in at 9:30 and rushed to get herself into bed and fall asleep.They didn't even have enough for the computers and would have to keep doing the same thing every day until they finally got enough for the laptops.


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