CHAPTER-1:1:11 (NEW IMMIGRANTS)-DAY-11          

    Eli and Ami Jankowsky were both up fairly early that morning and were both ready for the day by 8AM.They were both looking for things to do and decided to study logic and writing skill before they had to get ready for work.They both studied hard until after the paper carrier dropped off the day's paper.
    Eli had to clean up the old paper by noon and was about to start getting ready for work after the clean up was done.Ami was still studying on his computer since he would have to wait for his turn in the washroom.They both had to take turns because they only had the washroom in their house and a kitchen.
    They both made sure they were ready or near to it by 3PM so they could get to work on time and get the full day's pay for their work day.They both knew that summer was near to being over and they wanted to get a few things taken care of before the winter weather started to set in.
    Eli was already at work by 3:30 and Ami was just finishing up in the shower and would leave soon after the shower.He wanted to make sure he wasn't late for work.They were both at work by 4PM and didn't leave for home until it was 7PM and the work shift was over.It was getting near to fall's arrival.
    It was 7PM when Eli and Ami both got home and Ami was able to just get into his sleeping bag and get to sleep right away that night.Eli ended up staying up a bit later because she had to use the washroom before she could even think about getting into her sleeping bag or going to sleep for the night.
    Eli got done with the washroom and was able to get to sleep by 7:30 in the evening.It was already dark out by then and they were both sleeping in their kitchen since it was the only room besides their washroom in the house.


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