CHAPTER-1:1:16 (FIRST FALL) -DAY-16                

    Eli and Ami Jankowsky were both up so early on that first Monday morning of fall that it was still very dark outside and just starting to get light out.Ami had to take the trash out after using the washroom and Eli was about to get up and take a turn in the washroom very shortly before full daylight. 
    Eli ended up taking care of the garden after using the washroom and eating her breakfast and it was 8:30 in the morning by then.Ami was playing chess on his computer at that time while Eli was gardening and tending to the household chores.The chores were to be done by 1PM.
    Eli ended up being done the chores by 10:30 in the morning and was able to play chess on her computer for a few hours until she'd have to start getting ready for work.They both ended up having so much fun on their computers that they didn't start getting ready for work until it was about 1:30 in the afternoon.
    Eli got the washroom first and Ami went to play chess while he waited for his turn and Eli tried to be done quickly so he could get in before having to leave for work.They ended up leaving for work at 3:30 in the afternoon after Ami finally got a turn in the washroom and they would be at work until 7PM.
    They both got home from work at 7PM and had to update more of their outfits for the coming season since fall had just arrived and it was starting to get colder at night instead of staying very warm though it wasn't cold enough for frost to form on the ground yet.It would be cold enough for that very soon.
   It was 7:30 in the evening when they finally got done and were both ready to get into their sleeping bags and get to sleep for the night.


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