CHAPTER-1:1:21 (FIRST FALL)-DAY-21                  

     Eli and Ami Jankowsky got up so early that Saturday morning in mid fall that it was still dark out when they first got up and began eating breakfast and using the washroom to get ready for the day.They both took turns eating leftover salad and using the washroom and had both failed to notice that their leftover salad had begun to go bad and was now spoiled when they ate it.

     It got light later and they were either studying to gain skills from writing or playing chess on the computers or they were tending the garden since it was warm enough for there to be no frost.They also got bills from the letter carrier and something else came for them in the mail though they didn't get to open that package.They did know what it was because they'd sent an order for some planter boxes and the planter boxes had finally arrived in the mail.

     Eli ate a leftover hotdog while Ami was taking his turn using the washroom and the hotdog was spoiled and beginning to attract flies to it when she ate it.

      Ami sat down to eat one of the leftover hotdogs while Eli was having her turn using the washroom and failed to notice the hotdogs were spoiled and swarming with flies when he ate one.

     They rushed off to work after forgetting it was Saturday though it turned out they ended up working because the store was short-staffed with other staff being sick that day and unable to work.

    They ended up spending three hours at work as if it was a regular work day and got off at the end of their extra shifts and went home in the evening.

    They were very tired and decided to get home quickly and get to sleep by 7:30 in the evening.

    It was just as they were getting to sleep that a raccoon knocked over the trash bin and made a mess they'd have to clean up in the morning.


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