CHAPTER-1:1:17 (FIRST FALL) -DAY-17           

    Eli and Ami Jankwsky were both up very early that Tuesday morning which was the second day of fall and the fall festival had arrived in the night.It was waiting for 8AM to be opened for the day for anybody wanting to visit a festival.They took turns in the washroom and getting ready to eat leftover salad.
   They both started eating the leftover salad and completely failed to notice that their salad had gone bad in the fridge.They also had to tend to their garden and practice writing on their computers for a while until they ended up deciding to play chess at their chess table since it had warmed up enough.
    They both started playing chess together and had fun with it until 1PM when they had to stop to get themselves ready for work because it was time for them to start getting ready so they'd have time to do everything they needed to do before having to leave for their jobs at the grocery store.
    Eli and Ami each took turns using the washroom and eating lunch before they had to leave for work so they'd arrive by 3PM and start work early.They would be at work until it was 7PM when their work shifts were over for the day and they could get home and start getting ready for bed.
    They got home at 7PM and started getting ready for bed though it had gotten so cold outside that frost was forming on the ground outside and it would be there in the morning.


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